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Researchers Uncover Evidence Supporting the Existence of Adam and Eve

May be an image of 2 people and text that says 'US Scientists Find Evidence That Confirms The Bible's Adam And Eve Actually Existed''

Scientific Evidence Behind the Story of Adam and Eve

New research suggests elements of the biblical Adam and Eve story may have historical roots.

Archaeologists believe the Garden of Eden could have been in Mesopotamia—modern-day Iraq, eastern Syria, and northwestern Turkey—between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, as described in the Bible. This region, known as the Fertile Crescent, was the birthplace of agriculture around 20,000 years ago.

Additionally, genetic studies reveal all humans share common ancestors:

  • Mitochondrial Eve (a woman who lived in Africa about 200,000 years ago).
  • Y-chromosome Adam (a male ancestor from 180,000-200,000 years ago).

Though they were not the first humans and lived thousands of years apart, their DNA links all living people today.

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