JOKE OF THE DAY: An old couple had been married for 50 years. Every morning (without fail), the man emitted an echoing burst of gas when he got out of bed and then laughed like a madman. Also, every morning, his wife would admonish him: “One of these days you’re going to burst your guts out.” It’s Thanksgiving morning. The old man is sleeping in, and the old lady is in the initial steps of preparing the turkey. While she has a handful of turkey innards, she gets an idea: She tiptoes up the stairs and into the bedroom. She carefully pulls back the waistband of her husband’s jockey shorts and loads him up with warm turkey guts. An hour later, the woman hears him stirring. She hears his feet hit the floor and the expected boom-laugh sequence. The laugh stops abruptly and is followed by a scream and then 10 minutes of utter silence. The man eventually comes down the stairs.

10 Thanksgiving Jokes That’ll Have You Stuffed with Laughter Ah, Thanksgiving — the one day we gather to give thanks, devour excessive amounts of food, and (if you’re lucky) sidestep …

JOKE OF THE DAY: An old couple had been married for 50 years. Every morning (without fail), the man emitted an echoing burst of gas when he got out of bed and then laughed like a madman. Also, every morning, his wife would admonish him: “One of these days you’re going to burst your guts out.” It’s Thanksgiving morning. The old man is sleeping in, and the old lady is in the initial steps of preparing the turkey. While she has a handful of turkey innards, she gets an idea: She tiptoes up the stairs and into the bedroom. She carefully pulls back the waistband of her husband’s jockey shorts and loads him up with warm turkey guts. An hour later, the woman hears him stirring. She hears his feet hit the floor and the expected boom-laugh sequence. The laugh stops abruptly and is followed by a scream and then 10 minutes of utter silence. The man eventually comes down the stairs. Read More

WE ADOPTED A 4-YEAR-OLD GIRL – A MONTH LATER, SHE CAME TO ME AND SAID, “MOMMY, DON’T TRUST DADDY” A month had flown by since we officially became a family of three. After months of planning, forms, and background checks, Richard and I finally brought little Jennifer home. She was shy but had a spark we hoped would soon shine through. As her mother, I was ready to give her all the love she deserved. Richard was thrilled. After years of heartbreak trying to start a family, adoption felt like fate when we met Jennifer. But just weeks into our new life, I noticed something unsettling. Jennifer clung to me tightly, eyeing Richard with a strange wariness. I told myself she was just adjusting. Then, one afternoon, as I folded laundry, Jennifer looked up at me, her voice soft. “MOMMY,” she whispered, “DON’T TRUST DADDY!” Her words froze me, my heart pounding. There was no malice, only a quiet, childlike warning. Kneeling, I asked gently, “Why, sweetie?” Her lips curved into a sad, tiny smile before answering.⬇️⬇️

We Adopted a 4-Year-Old Girl – A Month Later, She Came to Me and Said, ‘Mommy, Don’t Trust Daddy’ “Don’t Trust Daddy”: A Story of Doubts and Reassurance A month …

WE ADOPTED A 4-YEAR-OLD GIRL – A MONTH LATER, SHE CAME TO ME AND SAID, “MOMMY, DON’T TRUST DADDY” A month had flown by since we officially became a family of three. After months of planning, forms, and background checks, Richard and I finally brought little Jennifer home. She was shy but had a spark we hoped would soon shine through. As her mother, I was ready to give her all the love she deserved. Richard was thrilled. After years of heartbreak trying to start a family, adoption felt like fate when we met Jennifer. But just weeks into our new life, I noticed something unsettling. Jennifer clung to me tightly, eyeing Richard with a strange wariness. I told myself she was just adjusting. Then, one afternoon, as I folded laundry, Jennifer looked up at me, her voice soft. “MOMMY,” she whispered, “DON’T TRUST DADDY!” Her words froze me, my heart pounding. There was no malice, only a quiet, childlike warning. Kneeling, I asked gently, “Why, sweetie?” Her lips curved into a sad, tiny smile before answering.⬇️⬇️ Read More