I GOT A CALL FROM MY MOTHER AND HER FIRST WORDS WERE, “PLEASE, SAVE ME FROM YOUR SON!” So, for the first time ever, my son actually asked to spend the summer with my mom — all by himself! This was a huge surprise, given that he’s usually not interested in going to her place or spending time in her small town. My mom is disabled, and I pay for a caregiver to help her every day. She refuses to live with us or move into a senior home. My son even offered to take care of her himself, saying I could give the caregiver a break. “Maybe he’s finally becoming responsible?” I thought. The first week went fine, and he was sweet on the phone, but I noticed that anytime I asked to speak with my mom, he’d say she was busy or asleep. Then came the scary part. I got a call from my son’s number — but it was my mom’s voice whispering, “Please, come save me from him!” before the call abruptly cut off. I tried calling back, but no answer. I immediately rushed to her town. When I pulled up to her house, it looked more rundown than ever, with no lights on. I opened the door and felt my heart drop. “WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!” I shouted. ⬇️



The first week went fine, and he was sweet on the phone, but I noticed that anytime I asked to speak with my mom, he’d say she was busy or asleep. Then came the scary part. I got a call from my son’s number — but it was my mom’s voice whispering, “Please, come save me from him!” before the call abruptly cut off. I tried calling back, but no answer. I immediately rushed to her town. When I pulled up to her house, it looked more rundown than ever, with no lights on. I opened the door and felt my heart drop. “WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!” I shouted.

Teenagers can be hard to handle, and that’s what every parent of one can agree on. Those years are fragile and the youngsters believe the world belongs to them. They often refuse to accept advice and believe they know everything.

A mom of a 16-year-old experienced this, just as many other parents in her position. Her son misbehaved. He was quite difficult at times, pushing every limit. Until one day, when he told his mom he wanted to spend the summer with his grandmother – his mom’s mother – an old woman with a fragile health who was disabled and was getting help from a caregiver.

The son assured his mom he would be taking care of his grandmother so that he could bond with her and they could save some money on the caregiver.

The mom was over the moon. Was this a sign that her son finally matured? She hoped so, so she allowed him to move in with his grandma for the summer.


Things felt great, until the woman received a call from her mother one day. Whispering, the old woman said, “Come save me from your son.”

But before she could respond anything, the grandmother hung up the phone.

“What is going on,” the woman thought to herself as she got inside her car and started driving towards her mother’s place.

The drive seemed like an eternity. She though about her son and her mother and recalled some details that she had missed; his smooth explanations on the phone when she’s call her son to check on his grandma, his insistence that they had to get rid of the caregiver. The mom believed it was him becoming smarter and more compassionate, but now, it was obvious she was very wrong.


Once at her mother’s place, the woman was shocked. The lawn was overgrown and filled with empty alcohol bottles. Loud music was coming from inside, and a number of youngsters were drinking heavily, dancing and screaming.

The woman started calling her son’s name, but he was nowhere to be seen.

When she entered her mom’s room, she saw the old woman crying and shaking. “He locks me inside my room, accusing me of ruining his parties,” the grandma cried.

While the woman thought her son and her mother were spending a lovely time together, the fragile elderly lady was living a nightmare prepared from her own grandson.

The poor woman confronted her son, who didn’t seem to care much for what he had done.


Realizing he didn’t regret his actions, the woman took all of his electronic devices, sold them in order to compensate for the damage done to his grandma’s house, and sent him to a very strict camp.

She decided her son needed to change if he ever wanted to get his freedom back.

Over time, the woman started noticing subtle changes in her son’s behavior. It took a couple of years, but he finally became the man she always taught him to be.

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Bored Daddy

Love and Peace

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