Did you know that these two buttons are not only for flushing? Learn more in comments 👇

Did you know that these two buttons are not only for flushing?

Modern toilets have two flush options, one of which is smaller than the other. We refer to them as “dual flush” toilets, but have you ever wondered why you have that option? We inform you.

DUAL FLUSH CONCEPT Contemporary double-flush toilets include two unique levers or buttons. Each button connects to a distinct exit valve, with one being larger than the other.

Its purpose is to save water.

The larger lever can flush out 6 to 9 liters of water, while the smaller lever can only flush out 3 to 4.5 liters. Solid waste flushing is clearly the larger one, while liquid waste flushing is the smaller one.

What amount of water do you save?

Do you save a significant amount of water? According to estimations, switching from single flushing to dual flushing can save a family up to 20,000 liters of water each year. It is ecologically beneficial and reduces water expenses, while installation may be somewhat more expensive than a normal flush.

Implementation: Victor Papanek, an American industrial designer, introduced the dual flush concept in his 1976 book “Design for the Real World.” Australia was the first to deploy it in 1980.

Become intelligent.

Get Smart: The next time you use the toilet, flush it according to your needs. If you are merely going to urinate, use the smaller lever. It may have a modest size or an image that distinguishes it as a little flush, such as a half circle, a small raindrop, and so on. Only press the larger lever, which will be larger or have obvious indications to dump.

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