Literally EVERYONE knows this simple hack for perfectly peeled hard-boiled eggs. How come you don’t know?? That was my friend’s reaction when I showed him my not-so-perfectly peeled eggs 🤣 He is a chef, after all. He showed me the easiest hack, and now I’m laughing at myself for not knowing this before 🤣 Full Recipe in comment 👇👇💬

Chefs Genius Trick for Effortlessly Perfect Hard Boiled Egg Peeling

Hard-boiled eggs are a beloved kitchen staple, celebrated for their versatility, nutritional benefits, and ease of preparation. However, peeling them can often be a frustrating experience, leaving you with jagged shells and torn egg whites. If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone! Thankfully, renowned French chef Jacques Pépin has shared a clever technique to help you achieve flawless results every time.

Why Do Hard-Boiled Eggs Stick to Their Shells?

The challenge of peeling hard-boiled eggs stems from the air pocket inside the egg. As the egg cooks, this pocket expands, pressing the egg white against the shell, which complicates peeling—especially with fresh eggs, where the membrane between the shell and the w

hite is still intact. Without adjusting your cooking method, you may end up with stubborn shells.The Jacques Pépin Trick: A Simple Hole for Easy Peeling

Chef Jacques Pépin offers a straightforward yet ingenious solution to this common issue. His trick is to poke a tiny hole in the broader end of the eggshell before boiling. This small hole allows the air pocket to escape during cooking, preventing the shell from sticking to the egg white, making peeling a breeze.

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