Parents leave their little baby with a rare syndrome, but a woman steps in and asks to take him… To learn more about the story, click the link in the comment section👇🏻

Parents leave their little baby with a rare syndrome, but a woman steps in and asks to take him

When a brave boy named Jono Lancaster was born, his parents made the painful decision not to take him home from the hospital. The diagnosis of Treacher Collins syndrome, a rare genetic condition that impairs facial shape and hearing, left his parents feeling overwhelmed by the potential hurdles, including multiple hospital trips and operations. They were unable to see past his condition and left him in the care of others.

Social workers worked quickly to find Jono a loving home. Thankfully, a supportive woman named Jean entered his life. She knew she had made the right decision from the moment they met. When she heard his story, she was shocked and couldn’t believe someone would do this to him. She quickly decided to take him with her.


At the 2015 breakthrough summit, Jono presented his life story with the National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD), which drew a lot of attention.

He remarked, “I was born with a genetic disorder that impacts my facial features. I don’t have cheekbones; my eyes fall down. But I adore my small ears because they don’t get chilly at night. However, I absolutely need hearing aids. I feel myself fortunate. Serious injuries have left more people in need of assistance with breathing and nutrition. I once met a child who had more than 70 operations to solve his medical issues and live a normal life.

We can certainly say that he is really blessed to have met someone like Jean, who has provided him with a home and a family. He said, “On May 18, 1990, Jean adopted me. I can now consider myself to have had two birthdays. Sometimes I told other kids my mother picked me from all babies.

Jean attempted to find and get in touch with Jono’s parents, but they were indifferent and refused to provide feedback.

Jono, who is now 36 years old, has been through a lot of throughout his life.


He stated, “When I began to understand life and became older, I began to wonder why it was me. I thought of my parents. Even if you rob a bank, your parents should love you unconditionally. Would I ever have a family? Who would want to adopt me? I started hating my face. I became frustrated at not being able to change my look. I did not glance at my reflection. I felt very ashamed of myself and my appearance.”

However, he gained confidence and self-love after adoption.

Someone, a tough-looking “skinhead” with muscle on muscle, approached him. No one wanted to have a deal with this guy, but Jono stood up. The guy asked plainly, “What’s up with your face?”

He calmly said, “I was born with Treacher Collins syndrome.” The guy said, “All right.” Jono also mentioned his deafness and demonstrated his hearing aids. When a man saw Jono’s hearing aids, he asked if they could be equipped with an off switch. And he stated he was fortunate. He went on to say that he had a wife who speaks constantly, and he would want to be able to turn off his hearing so he does not have to listen to her every day.

For the first time in a while, someone laughed with him rather than at him. So this was an unforgettable moment for him, and it taught him to always concentrate on the positive.

Today, Jono has a partner and works as a motivational speaker. He assists and supports other children and adults with this syndrome.

He remarked, “People remain the same. My parents do not want to meet me. However, what matters is that I have changed my mindset, and that is a powerful change. I am sure that, rather than allowing negative energy to knock me down, I should always believe in myself. “With the right attitude, you can accomplish anything.”

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