After her release from prison, ‘Zombie Angelina Jolie’ revealed her true face See photos in comments👇

After her release from prison, ‘Zombie Angelina Jolie’ revealed her true face

People frequently alter their images, with one woman going so far as to earn the nickname ‘Zombie Angelina Jolie.’

Sahar Tabar became famous seven years ago after uploading images of herself online in which she could only be characterized as resembling a fictitious character or, as her moniker suggests, a zombie version of Jolie.

The discovery that Sahar’s photos had undergone significant alteration probably didn’t surprise anyone.

Sahar told the Russian news site Sputnik that she manipulated the photographs so outrageously to ‘amuse’ herself during her viral fame.

Sahar also described the unique alterations as ‘a sort of self-expression’.

The Independent reported that she had falsely claimed to have undergone over 50 operations in the past.

Sahar is believed to have only undergone rhinoplasty, liposuction, and injectable fillers in her lips.

Many people have questioned Sahar’s appearance, which she revealed after her release from prison, in light of her discoveries.

Iranian authorities detained Sahar in October 2019 as part of a crackdown on social media influencers.

She was then accused of blasphemy, inciting violence, obtaining money through unethical means, and supporting young corruption.

She received a ten-year prison sentence in December 2020, but she only served 14 months.

Her release coincided with huge demonstrations in Iran following the death of Mahsa Amini.

Police detained the young woman for improperly wearing her hijab, which led to her death.

After her release, Sahar appeared on the state-owned station Rokna, where her genuine look stunned many.

In the shot, Sahar was nothing like the emaciated and unsettling viral photographs she released in 2017.

Regarding her true look, one user said on social media, “It’s amazing how many people put so much thought into what other people are doing to be comfortable in their skin.”

A second wrote, “Wow!” It’s awful how far individuals would go for fame…

Sahar has always desired to be famous and in the spotlight since she was a youngster.

She also admits to using makeup and Photoshop to increase her Instagram following.

“Cyberspace was an easy way to spread my name over the world,” she remarked.

“It was much easier than becoming an actor.”

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